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RADIOSHOW RADIO X  91.8 every Thrusday 21-23h 



RADIO X 91.8 / every Thursday 21-23h 

Weekly from Frankfurt into the world: since 1997 Michael Rütten explores the soul of music in his radioshow "soulsearching" and finds it in Jazz, Funk, Soul, Disco, Dub, House, Folk, Afro, Electronica, Hip Hop - genre boundaries are dissolved and diverse styles are fused together. Wether 120 minutes from his own record box, in an interview with international guests, via "Inspiration Information" mixtapes by well-known DJs and musicians or new introductions, with the background of wanting to share this music.

Introducing and connecting local and international artists and inviting musicians and DJ‘s from abroad who he met on his travels around the world to join Rütten for 120 minutes live in the show. 

An acoustic journey with depth, cosmopolitanism and humor, without dogma. "soulsearching" builds a bridge from yesterday to tomorrow - two hours in which the soul dances. 

"I think that there are some DJ that just spin music like they are alone in their rooms,

never taking the time to take a moment and share the real feeling of what good music is. 

For those kind of DJ's music is about ego. But then there are DJ like you, who hear good music and want to share it among friends.  A great DJ hears a good tune and wants to run around and tell the world how great it is.  For me your show is more about bringing all listeners together in a world groove.  Thank you Mr Rutten for shining your brilliant light to my and everyone of your listeners worlds :)"

Evelyn E Arthur/USA


Wöchentlich aus Frankfurt in die Welt: Michael Rütten erkundet  in seiner »soulsearching« Radioshow auf Radio X 91.8FM die Seele der Musik und findet sie in Jazz, Funk, Soul, Disco, Dub, House, Folk, Afro, Electronica, Hip Hop - Genregrenzen werden aufgelöst und diverse Stile miteinander verschmolzen. Ob 120 Minuten aus der eigenen Plattenkiste, im Interview mit internationalen Gästen, via „Inspiration Information“ Mixtapes bekannter DJs und Musiker oder Neuvorstellungen, mit dem Hintergrund, diese Musik teilen, mitteilen zu wollen, internationale und lokale Künstler miteinander zu verbinden, und auch Gäste, die Rütten auf seinen Reisen kennengelernt hat, live in der Show zu präsentieren. 

Eine akustische Reise mit Tiefgang, Weltoffenheit und Humor, ohne Dogma. soulsearching schlägt eine Brücke von gestern nach morgen – zwei Stunden, in denen die Seele tanzt. 

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©michealruetten / soulsearching 

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